5 Steps To A Successful CV
You’ve found your ideal job, but is your CV up to scratch? Knowing what credentials to have on your CV is vital to getting to the next stage of the application – the interview. Needing some CV TLC? Follow these handy little tips to make yours stand out while containing the information employers are looking for.
Employers are interested in your skill set, previous experience and what you could potentially bring to the job role. First of all though, introduce yourself! Do this by including:
Your full name
Address including Postcode
Contact information (best number to contact you on and your email address)
Tip: Only include social media profiles if applying for a job where you feel this would benefit the employer.
This is your space for telling the employer about you. A vital part of your CV, this is where you show your career aspirations, objectives and what you can offer to the company you are applying for. Tailoring it for the company shows initiative and drive – you have done your research about them and taken the time to customise your CV especially for them.
ALWAYS start with your most recent employer. More than likely, the job you will be applying for will be related to the role you are already in. What did you do in your current role which can be pursued in the role you are applying for?
Make sure that you have:
The full company name and address
The start/end dates
Your job title in your current role
Within each role, list 2/3 key skills which are of benefit to your current employer and potential new one. Demonstrate key achievements and successes in each role.
Tip: If a job is older than 10 years, you do not need to include this. However, use positive buzzwords such as developed, increased, resolved and improved to describe job roles.
If you are applying for your first job role, add your qualifications alongside the grade you achieved (or pending, if you are still waiting for your results.)
When listing your education, ensure it is in the same order as your employment history. If you have a degree, list a few modules relevant to the job you are applying for i.e. applying for a Graphic Designer job, studied Illustration at College/University and the module being The Theories and Practice of Visual Communication: Contemporary Practice.
You do not need to list your references on your CV. Simply write References Available Upon Request and have your references ready if an employer asks for them.
Before your send off your newly polished CV, let’s do one final check:

Headings should be made bold which makes them easily identifiable.
Calibri or Arialare two fonts which are easy to read and are digitally friendly across any Word document/PDF file. Keep font size at 10/12 which is standard for a document.
Where possible, make sure your CV is a maximum of two A4 pages long. CVs which exceed this tend to be full of information which could be verbally spoken at interview stage.
Microsoft Word and Pages for Mac have pre-existing templates where all you need to do is add in the information. Having a CANVA Account unlocks various CV templates which are great if applying for roles in the creative industry.
Adding colour to your CV showcases you as a person. Below are what certain colours represent:
Blue: Action and Impulsion
Red: Energy and Inspiration
Orange/Yellow: Warm and Friendly
Green: Hope and Stability
Orange: Creative and Communicative
Violet: Cheerful and Trendy
To ensure your CV cannot be altered in anyway, save your CV as a PDF file when sending. Sending as a Word Document could misplace the layout that you have been working hard on!
One spelling mistake could cost you the job! Proofread the entirety of your CV section by section until you are perfectly happy with it.
We here at Ten Live hope you have enjoyed our handy tips and tricks for writing your CV and wish you every success with your job hunting.
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Joanne Telfer
Ten Live Group
Award-Winning Global Manufacturing Recruitment
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Email joanne@tenlivegroup.com
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