Ten Live – “Best driving agency I’ve worked for…..”
“Best driving agency I’ve worked for…..and I’ve worked for a few agencies in the past.
tops the list” , Ten Live contractor August 2014.
So, what exactly makes best agency to work for ? Well, we thought we’d have a quick chat to to our contractor, so he could tell us in his own words why he thinks
is such a great agency to work for.
Q. Tell us about the kind of work has found for you ?
Contractor: “When I started at they took the time to go through exactly what I was looking for and the kind of work I wanted to do. They check in with me regularly and phone or text me to make sure that I’ve been happy with the work I’ve doing and are really good at keeping me in the type of work that I want to do. I appreciate all the effort you make to keep me in work.“
Q. What’s your customer service experience of compared to other agencies ?
Contractor: “‘s attitude to their workers is second-to-none. My experience at
is much better than when I’ve been at other agencies. Everyone is always friendly and professional, whether you phone up or if go into the office, even when you phone the on-call phone early in the morning. Everyone goes out of their way to help you and will try their level best to get you the work you want and sort things out. Am very happy with the work. When I get my shift times, the information is always clear and they double-check that I’ve got the info, so that I know exactly what I’m doing. Very, very helpful. I’m chuffed to bits with the service and the way I have been treated…thank you !”
Q. How knowledgeable are staff and how much support do they give you ?
Contractor: “staff know their stuff. When I needed to get my CPC done,
were able to tell me exactly what I needed to do – they explained it all on the phone, but they also e-mailed me a wee guide. They also put me in touch with a company that runs CPC courses. They’ve kept me up-to-date with where I am with my CPC through texts to make sure I’ve done all my modules in time for the deadline on 10th Sept. With my wages, Ten Live were great at explaining what I needed to do to change from self-employed when the law changed recently.
kept me right. Have to say…employee support is great !”
Q. What about if you have any issues ?
Contractor: are very understanding... sometimes I need to change shifts and they always do their best to find me other shifts and keep me in work. Can’t thank them enough. .….. if there are any problems with the company you’ve been working for, Ten Live will try their very best to sort things out as quickly as they can between us and the company, so everyone’s happy !”
Q. How would you rate payroll services at Ten Live ?
Contractor: “I always get paid on time, same time every week and the wages team will make sure you get paid exactly what you’ve worked. I’ve had problems in the past where I’ve not been paid on time or paid what I’m due, but Ten Live always make sure my wages are in. If I have any queries with my hours, they always get sorted out straight away and I still get paid on time ! They always go out of their way to make sure I get paid the right money on time”
Does this sound like the kind of agency you want to work for ? An agency that offers;
- Market-leading, competitive rates of pay – you could earn up to £780 a week*
- Immediate start !
- Shifts to fit in with your lifestyle & flexible working options; days, nights, weekends, full-time , part-time, ad-hoc
- Ongoing, regular work – guaranteed hours – ad hoc/ temp leading to permanent work
- Large, multi-national contracts – work with the UK’s leading brands in retail and supply chain logisitics
- Guaranteed wages paid on time every week
- 24-hour on-call dedicated driver phone line
- Discounted CPC training courses
- Free, regular legal & compliance updates
- Excellent reputation in the driving sector for quality, reliability and customer service – Ten Live have once again been rated ‘excellent’ for Legal & Compliance, Client Service and Operational Processes with one of the UK’s leading retailers [August 2014 audit by an external multi-client auditor]
[*Class 1 /Class 2 drivers – dependent on no. hours worked and type of work undertaken]
If you are a driver (Class 1, Class 2, 7.5t, van, forklift or bus) and want to work for a great agency, call Ten Live today on 01236 702 007 – we’d love to hear from you !
is a global recruitment and resource management company, providing THE very best Global Customer-Centric Resource Solutions including supply chain logistics solutions, energy, rail and telecoms sectors in the UK, MENA, Australia Pacific, Asia and Central/North/South America
Did you know ?
won Best Business* at the Lanarkshire Business Excellence Awards 2014 (* companies with less than 50 employees)
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